Social Sciences, Administration and Health Core

Welcome to the Social Sciences, Administration and Health Core (SSAH). Here you can explore the traditional behavioral and social sciences disciplines, complete your Associate’s or pursue a degree path to continue your academic career at a four-year college or university. You will select at least 15 credits from any of the discipline courses or individual courses within the core, including at least 3 credits at the 200 level.
Program Outcomes
Upon completion of this program, a student will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of historical and contemporary issues in the social and behavioral science academic disciplines.
- Apply quantitative and qualitative methods for understanding human behavior.
- Explain philosophical or cultural issues associated with different social and behavioral science disciplines.
- Analyze knowledge, theories, literature, and methods of a Social Sciences discipline.
- Communicate complex ideas using multiple modes of effective communication, including digital, written, oral and graphic communication.
- Utilize and apply multi-disciplinary methods of inquiry from the social and behavioral sciences in response to a problem, task, or experience.
- Reflect on and assess their own learning as it applies to themselves as scholars and engaged citizens rooted in the behavioral and social sciences.
Program Advising
Academic advising helps students reach their educational and career goals. Meet with your academic advisor regularly to discuss your academic plans and make sure you are on track to graduate and/or transfer. The program advising guide outlines the degree requirements and is meant to supplement the advising process.
As a General Studies SSAH major, you will develop an interdisciplinary course of study emphasizing the behavioral and social sciences, administration and/or health disciplines, including Criminal Justice and Hospitality Management. The SSAH Core is designed to encourage student to explore these disciplines while deepening their knowledge through a selected academic focus.
You can pursue a specific area of focus or design your own focus.
Choose a discipline option below to learn more about suggested courses, program advising, transfer opportunities, and career information.
- Anthropology*
- Economics
- Homeland Security Certificate plus A.A. Degree
- Political Science
- Professional and Technical Writing
- Psychology
- Sociology
*Please meet with your counseling advisor and/or instructional advisor for more guidance.
Using the course sequence below as a starting point, meet with a general studies program advisor to choose your courses and design your own focus.
The suggested course sequence is listed below for General Studies: Social Sciences, Administration, and Health
- All students should review the advising guide and consult an advisor.
- Find out about related programs and course in the Fields of Study section.
- Most courses have either assessment levels that must be met or prerequisites (courses that must be taken first). Part-time students and those who need to meet assessment levels or take prerequisite courses will take longer to complete a degree. An advisor will help make sure you are taking your courses in the right order.
- All degree-seeking students must take a central group of General Education courses in English, mathematics, arts, behavioral and social sciences, humanities, and science. These courses are included in the suggested course sequence below.
Suggested Course Sequence
Students should complete the required English and Math foundation courses within the first 24 credit hours. All students should review the Program Advising Guide and consult an advisor.
First Semester
- ENGL 101 - Introduction to College Writing 3 semester hours
- Mathematics Foundation 3 semester hours ‡
- Behavioral and Social Sciences Distribution 3 semester hours (BSSD) **
- Natural Science Distribution with or without Lab 3 semester hours (NSD)
- General Education Institutional Requirement 3 semester hours (GEIR)
Second Semester
- English Foundation 3 semester hours (ENGF) ‡
- Behavioral and Social Sciences Distribution 3 semester hours(BSSD) **
- Humanities Distribution 3 semester hours (HUMD)
- Natural Sciences Distribution with Lab 4 semester hours(NSLD)
- Elective 3 semester hours ‡‡
Third Semester
- Arts Distribution 3 semester hours (ARTD)
- SSAH Core Course 1 3 semester hours
- SSAH Core Course 2 3 semester hours
- General Education Institutional Requirement 3 semester hours (GEIR)
- Elective 3 semester hours ‡‡
Fourth Semester
- SSAH Core Course 3 3 semester hours
- SSAH Core Course 4 3 semester hours
- SSAH Core Course 5 3 semester hours
- Elective 3 semester hours ‡‡
- Elective 2 semester hours ‡‡
* ENGL 101/ENGL 011 if needed for ENGL 102/ENGL 103, or select an elective.
** Behavioral and social sciences distribution (BSSD) courses must come from different disciplines.
‡ Students should attempt ENGL and MATH foundation requirements within completion of the first 24 credits of college-level work or at the completion of any prerequisite or required non-credit coursework.
‡‡ Any credit hours beyond the minimum General Education credit hours (31) or core courses are counted toward elective credit hours.
NOTE: Exact semester credit counts may vary based on specific course selections.
This program can be completed either on campus or online.
Related Programs and Courses
In addition to General Studies - SSAH, MC offers degrees in the following related areas:
- Business A.A.
- Criminal Justice A.A.S.*
- Education A.A.S
- Education A.A.T.
- International Studies, A.A.
- Physical Education, A.A.
- Hospitality Management, A.A.S.
Montgomery College also offers the following certificates:
MC offers a wide variety of noncredit classes designed to help you upgrade your skills, pursue career training, or learn something new.