Integrated Studies

Welcome to the Integrated Studies Core (INTG). This General Studies Core will allow you to create a flexible, more individualized degree path that suits your interests or your transfer needs. In this core, you can select courses from two core areas increasing the interdisciplinary nature of your degree. In the INTG core, you will generally choose 3 courses, from two of the following core areas: Humanities, Arts, Communications, and Languages (HACL); Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM); and Social Science, Administration, and Health (SSAH).
This program requires a total of at least 18 credit hours of core course requirements, which consists of nine hours from each of two core areas of study and at least 3 credits at the 200 level. The INTG Core can be a unique way to discover different discipline areas as you plan your studies at Montgomery College and beyond.
What can I do with the INTG Core?
The INTG Core offers the flexibility for students to choose classes towards graduation and transfer.
Some of the ways students have used the INTG Core is within a transfer plan for allied health fields such as kinesiology, occupational therapy, speech pathology, psychology and social work. Alternately, the INTG core can be used to complete requirements leading toward a double major or a major and minor program at a 4-year institution.
Other opportunities may exist to use the INTG Core for graduation and transfer plans beyond what is listed here. Please see a counselor or program advisor to explore your options and areas of interest.
Program Outcomes
Upon completion of this program, a student will be able to:
- Utilize and apply methods of inquiry from more than one disciplinary perspective in response to a problem, task, or experience.
- Apply quantitative and qualitative methods to demonstrate an understanding of the disciplines they have chosen to study.
- Communicate complex ideas using multiple modes of communication, including digital, written, oral and graphic communication.
- Articulate an academic or career-related plan that reflects an integrated, interdisciplinary view of their formal, co-curricular and personal learning and academic and career goals.
- Reflect on and assess their own learning as it applies to themselves as scholars and engaged, global citizens.
A suggested course sequence for Integrated Studies follows.
- All students should review the advising guide and consult an advisor.
- Find out about related programs and course in the Fields of Study section.
- Most courses have either assessment levels that must be met or prerequisites (courses that must be taken first). Part-time students and those who need to meet assessment levels or take prerequisite courses will take longer to complete a degree. An advisor will help make sure you are taking your courses in the right order.
- All degree-seeking students must take a central group of General Education courses in English, mathematics, arts, behavioral and social sciences, humanities, and science. These courses are included in the suggested course sequence below.
Suggested Course Sequence
Students should complete the required English and Math foundation courses within the first 24 credit hours. All students should review the Program Advising Guide and consult an advisor.
First Semester
- ENGL 101 - Introduction to College Writing 3 semester hours
- Mathematics Foundation 3 semester hours (MATF) ‡
- Natural Sciences Distribution with or without Lab 3 semester hours (NSD)
- General Education Institutional Requirement 3 semester hours (GEIR)
- Elective 3 semester hours ‡‡
Second Semester
- English Foundation 3 semester hours (ENGF) ‡
- Arts Distribution 3 semester hours (ARTD)
- Behavioral and Social Sciences Distribution 3 semester hours (BSSD) **
- Humanities Distribution 3 semester hours (HUMD)
- Natural Sciences Distribution with Lab 4 semester hours (NSLD)
Third Semester
- Behavioral and Social Sciences Distribution 3 semester hours (BSSD) **
- General Education Institutional Requirement 3 semester hours(GEIR)
- Core 1, Course 1 3 semester hours
- Core 1, Course 2 3 semester hours
- Core 2, Course 1 3 semester hours
Fourth Semester
- Core 2, Course 2 3 semester hours
- Core 2, Course 3 3 semester hours
- Core 1, Course 3 3 semester hours
- Elective 3 semester hours ‡‡
- Elective 2 semester hours ‡‡
* ENGL 101/ENGL 011 if needed for ENGL 102/ENGL 103, or select an elective.
** Behavioral and social sciences distribution (BSSD) courses must come from different disciplines.
‡ Students should attempt ENGL and MATH foundation requirements within completion of the first 24 credits of college-level work or at the completion of any prerequisite or required non-credit coursework.
‡‡ Any credit hours beyond the minimum General Education credit hours (31) or core courses are counted toward elective credit hours.
NOTE: Exact semester credit counts may vary based on specific course selections.
This program can be completed either on campus or online.
Related Programs and Courses
General Studies Degree
Students who major in general studies explore personal, professional, and academic areas of interest within a flexible framework supporting transfer.
Workforce Development and Continuing Education
MC offers a wide variety of noncredit classes. These courses are designed to help you upgrade your skills, pursue career training, or learn something new.