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The Monday Minute with Dr. Williams

Monday Minute

May 20, 2024

Congratulations to our students—now alumni—who graduated on Friday! I was inspired to see our class of 2024 moving to the next step in their journeys. Thank you to everyone who worked so diligently to make the event such a success. The faculty and staff who guided our students so diligently deserve our kudos as well.

After today, Monday Minute will be on hiatus until the fall semester. I wish everyone the best summer—whether you are taking classes, teaching classes, serving students, or taking vacation, I hope you can recharge and refresh over the coming months.

Hispanic Serving Institution Task Force Report

After the College received the federal designation of Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) in 2021 when our Hispanic enrollment passed the 25% full-time equivalent threshold, I created and charged an HSI Task Force with examining ways that MC might strengthen its service to this growing population. The task force reportnew window is complete and available to the College community. It addresses the opportunities and challenges for our Hispanic—or Latine—community. The report includes recommendations to improve Latine students’ access, completion, and post-completion success. I am grateful for the task force members’ efforts and their dedication to position the College optimally to take advantage of our HSI status. Together, we can make a difference for our Latine students and all our student populations.

Congratulations to Our Outstanding Faculty and Staff

This year’s collegewide Spring Closing Meeting last Wednesday spotlighted a number of honorees, including team effort awards, faculty sabbatical awards, and outstanding staff and outstanding faculty awards. Congratulations to these exceptional individuals.

The Full-time Faculty Member of the Year is Dr. Katya Salmi, professor of sociology. Dr. Salmi blends robust scholarship, a commitment to professional development, and a student-centered approach to teaching and learning. Dr. Salmi has also developed and facilitated sessions on racial equity and social justice for the Community-Informed Police Training and co-designed the Decolonizing Community of Practice for students, faculty, and staff. She brings a deep dedication to the principles of equity, inclusion, and social justice, in her work both internally and externally.

The Part-time Faculty Member of the Year is Professor Valerie Tanner in the Department of World Languages. As an accomplished academic with a strong track record in teaching, course development, and leadership, she regularly creates experiential learning activities for her students to enrich their grasp of content. She is also dedicated to inclusion and belonging, working tirelessly to ensure that every student feels supported and empowered in their academic journeys.

The Staff Member of the Year is Dr. Paul Miller. As the professional development director of the Office of E-Learning, Innovation, and Teaching Excellence (ELITE), Dr. Miller is lauded for his unique blend of technical expertise and deep understanding of pedagogy. This combination has created vast professional development opportunities in all areas of the College. He advocates passionately for the integration of effective technology tools into higher education.

Belonging Matters at MC

The College is a place where everyone is welcome. I encourage you to find ways to learn more about diverse histories with respect to gender identity and sexual orientation. I’m looking ahead to June, with its annual celebration of LGBTQIA+ Pride Month. A virtual Pride Month event kicks off the month this Wednesdaynew window, May 22, and several other events are planned in June, including a panel discussion on coming out. More details can be found at the MC Pride and Alliesnew window site. June is also Caribbean-American Heritage month and the MC Library has a guidenew window to literature, films, and other resources. On June 12, Loving Daynew window acknowledges the anniversary of the landmark 1967 Loving vs. Virginia decision, which successfully challenged the legal ban on interracial marriage.

Best wishes for a wonderful week and summer!

With Raptor Regards,
 Dr. Jermaine F. Williams signature
Dr. Jermaine F. Williams
@DrWilliams_MCnew window

Archive of Monday Minutes