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Which Spanish Class is Right for Me?

Not sure what level of Spanish class you belong in? 

Read through the list of topics to be covered at each level. You may also confer with your Instructor on the first day of class for further advice and transfer to another level if appropriate. 

  1. alphabet, exchange greetings and farewells, and introduce yourself
  2. spell out your name and various words in Spanish, count from zero to thirty, identify colors, name the days of the week, months, seasons and time
  3. distinguish gender and number, definite and indefinite articles, form the masculine, feminine and present indicative of ser
  4. basic questions beginning with que, como, donde, quien
    count to 100, ask and tell dates and time
  5. use personal pronouns and present indicative of regular -ar verbs, singular and plural
  6. apply rules for the application of gender to nouns and express ideas in the negative and interrogative forms
  7. regular -er, -ir verb conjugations
  8. indefinite article, alguno and ninguno
  1. time, dates, seasons
  2. irregular present tense verbs
  3. expressions with tener, ir, dar
  4. distinguish between saber and conocer
  5. review irregular verbs
  6. future action with ir + a
  7. compare different uses of the preposition “a”
  8. express “have to” using tener + que
  9. uses of preposition “de”
  10. ser v. estar
  1. describe family relationships, confirm residence information (address and telephone number)
  2. use of the present tense
  3. ask questions using descriptive and limiting adjectives
  4. construct questions and answers using adjectives and ser/estar
  5. introduction to present indicative of stem-changing verbs
  6. comparisons using more or less/as much, many
  7. introduction to the superlative
  8. introduction to ordinal numbers and shortening adjectives (good/bad), irregular comparatives and superlatives
  9. some everyday expressions and use of irregular verbs (hacer, poner, salir)
  10. use of 'let's…' (vamos a)
  11. affirmative and negative commands
  12. introduction to direct object pronouns, and how they are positioned in a sentence
  13. weather expressions
  1. demonstrative adjectives and pronouns
  2. indirect object pronouns
  3. the verb 'gustar' and asking about preferences
  4. time expressions (with the verb hacer)
  5. the preterit indicative with regular verbs
  6. using direct and indirect pronouns together
  7. preterit indicative with irregular verbs
  1. indirect object pronouns and definite articles: la, las, el, los
  2. gustar and hacer
  3. practice using the preterit and ordinal numbers
  4. how and when to use direct and indirect object pronouns together
  5. conjugation in the “pretérito definido” of the verbs ser, ir, dar and of the stem changing verbs E:I and O:U
  6. apply the prepositions por / para correctly
  7. forming adverbs
  8. differentiate the reflexive pronoun from the subject pronoun
  9. identify and conjugate reflexive verbs
  10. conjugate in pretérito definido the irregular verbs such as tener, estar, poder, poner, saber
  11. hace + period of time + que (ago)
  1. practice forming the subjunctive for regular, irregular and stem-changing verbs
  2. use the subjunctive to talk about the future
  3. using the subjunctive, complain, show that you are upset and talk about how things might be
  4. ask and give directions
  5. how to use what, who and whom
  6. passive voice
  7. use commands and apply them in their negative form
  8. the use of the subjunctive when describing indefiniteness or non-existence
  1. dates and vocabulary related to entertainment
  2. conjunctions followed by the subjunctive and first person plural commands
  3. past participle and adjectives; the indicative, the present perfect and past perfect
  4. The future and the conditional tense.
  1. body parts and vocabulary related to describing medical problems
  2. present perfect subjunctive and its uses; practice conversation in specified situations
  3. review grammar structures, review health related expressions
  4. what to do when you need your car repaired.Useful expressions and vocabulary about cars
  5. pluperfect subjunctive and its uses
  6. if clauses. Review uses of the subjunctive
  • Read and articulate understanding of the topic(s) of a selected reading
  • Engage in longer conversational exchanges and discussions
  • Demonstrate competent use of most grammar structures
  • Write a one-page composition, demonstrating fair control of basic syntax and with imperfect control of grammar patterns
  • Read and articulate understanding of the topic(s) of selected readings
  • Prepare a topic for, and lead a classroom discussion
  • Demonstrate competent use of grammar structures
  • Write a one to two page composition on a self-selected topic

For success at this level you should have completed Spanish Conversation and Grammar Review 1 and 2 or have a strong fundamental knowledge of the language. You will continue reviewing grammar in order to strengthen your knowledge and correct usage in sentences.

NOTE: This course is generally delivered in three semesters.  Students entering the program at this level may, after conferring with the instructor or by personal choice, move to Advanced Spanish Conversation after one, two or three semesters at this level.

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Read and articulate understanding of the topic(s) of selected readings;
  • Prepare a topic for, and lead a classroom discussion;
  • Communicate with fluency in extended conversation and discussion;
  • Demonstrate competent use of grammar structures in speaking and writing;
  • Write a one to two page composition on a self-selected topic.

Students at this level should have completed Spanish Conversation and Grammar Review, Levels 1, 2 and 3 or have a strong command of the Spanish language.

  • You will continue reviewing the more complex aspects of Spanish grammar and its application as determined by the needs of the class.
  • You will practice oral and aural skills through discussions, presentations and other interactive activities as appropriate.
  • You will focus on understanding the more complex oral and written structures of the Spanish language through the study of novels, poetry and media articles.