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ITI Frequently Asked Questions

ITI computer classes are Open Admissions, Noncredit courses. There is no admission requirement for these courses, however some require prerequisite skills or training. No report cards are issued, but a Certificate of Completion will be issued to students who attend at least 80% of the course. These are fast paced / accelerated courses geared towards working adults who need to learn a product quickly.


Answer: These are open enrollment, hands-on/lecture classes geared towards adults.

You are welcome to enroll in any class before it begins (if space is available) as long as you have the prerequisites (either by experience / previous training / classes, etc). We do not test or check past skills but ask that students use their best judgment when deciding if they meet the prerequisites.  

The non-credit computer classes are not a certificate program but individual classes. 

Answer: These are non-credit classes so applying to the college is not needed. 
Answer: Some classes may have independent assignments outside of the classroom but grades and formal exams are not given.
Answer: No report cards or grades are issued, but a Certificate of Completion will be issued to students who attend at least 80% of the course.  
We do not offer or provide certification exams.

Answer: Financial aid is not available for these classes.  Full payment is expected at time of registration.

WDCE may have a  limited number of career related scholarship opportunities available. See WDCE Scholarships for information about possible scholarships or grants,  and the deadline for applying.

For specific questions regarding payment / registration / residency requirements / tuition waiver / transportation options / parking / scholarships please contact the main office for Workforce Development and Continuing Education at 240-567-5188.

Answer:  The ITI Computer Class schedule can be found at Course Offerings and Schedulenew window.  You may browse our ITI classes by topic and find more  information in the WDCE Brochure (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window)

Answer: To help you decide which class is best for you visit the ITI home page for a listing of the  many categories of computer classes that we offer. Under the header Browse Courses by Topic, select a topic that may interest you. Click on that link and you will find all the courses in that category, and a suggested course sequence. If you click on a course title, you will find  information about the course, such as a number of hours, course description, course prerequisites, and course objectives. 

We do not test or check past skills but ask that students use their best judgment when deciding if they meet the prerequisites.

Answer: Visit WDCE Locations for Information regarding directions/locations for classes. 
Answer: Many classes require a textbook.  Information regarding books can be found at the MC Campus Stores

Answer: Some ITI courses are online, or hybrid (part online, and part in-person). Check the course schedule for more information. Another department offers a variety of noncredit online classes.  Information regarding WDCE noncredit  online classes is at this site. 

Answer: Yes, please consider these other Workforce Development and Continuing Education departments: Gudelsky Institute for Technical Education or Community Arts

Answer: First, you must register for class. Then you should contact WDCE Disability Support Services Counselor, Natalie Martinez, or 240-567-4118, at least four weeks prior to the start of the class to arrange for accommodations and/or assistive technology.
 Answer:  Career Coach is a valuable online search tool that will give you the opportunity to explore hundreds of potential careers or job possibilities. The job listings and information provided are specific to Montgomery County and the surrounding localities.

Answer: To help you toward a goal of an IT career, we have formulated an ITI Classes to Careers Roadmap. (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window) This guide will give you an idea of a where to start your career path, and what classes to take to achieve your goal. 

In addition we have listed WDCE Programs that prepare you for Industry Certifications & Licensure Preparation Programs