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ITI 540 - Jira - Introduction

Registration Option: Open Enrollment

Total Course Hours: 24

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Learn the exciting and in-demand Jira Platform! This course is your introduction to Jira software, where you will gain indispensable skills in project management and agile development methodologies. This comprehensive course equips you with the knowledge and practical experience to navigate the Jira platform seamlessly. Learn to create and manage projects, tasks, and issues effectively while customizing workflows to suit your organizational needs. By mastering Jira, you’ll enhance collaboration, streamline project tracking, and elevate productivity across various industries. All instructional materials are included


Prerequisites: Mastering Window Fundamentals (ITI499) or equivalent experience.


  • Be able to navigate the Jira software platform 
  • Customize workflows
  • Streamline project tracking
  • Use software to develop project management skills and agile developmental methodologies.
  • Enhance collaboration and elevate productivity across various industries