Public Safety

The Office of Public Safety is responsible for the protection of the College community, first aid, emergency assistance, 24-hour escort service (upon request), crime prevention and reporting, enforcement of campus regulations, state and local laws, and the lost and found service. Officers on each campus are on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
The Office of Public Safety is dedicated to developing partnerships with the community we serve to enhance the College’s core values of excellence. We work collaboratively to prevent crime and build trust through a compassionate and empathetic Public Safety department, supporting our students, faculty, and staff in their journey at MC.
In Case of Emergency
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In case of a life-threatening emergency, someone should call 9-1-1 and then notify the Office of Public Safety. Students and employees are encouraged to carry a cell phone for reporting emergencies and receiving county and College alerts. Emergency phones are located in all campus elevators and in numerous internal and external locations. These phones will automatically ring in Central Dispatch. Calls made on the emergency phones are recorded.
Campus Offices
- Rockville Campus: SV 122, Assistant Director Robert Mueck, 240-567-5109
- Germantown: SA 269, Assistant Director Paul Jenkins, 240-567-7776
- Takoma Park/Silver Spring: ST 117, Assistant Director Carlo Sanchez, 240-567-1603
- Central Services, Director Adam Reid, 240-567-2033
- All students are expected to obtain and carry a student ID while on campus. Students can obtain their ID and semester validation sticker at any campus Public Safety office. Find more information.
- All Faculty and Staff IDs are issued only out of Central Services by completing the online request form or by calling 240-567-9140 to make an appointment.
- Key and access card requests are separate and handled by the Facilities department. Find more information.
- Parking permits are required to park on campus and other College properties at all times. Find more information about parking and transportation, or contact Mark Pace, transportation and parking manager, at 240-567-4213 or via e-mail at
Requests for Public Safety Incident Reports are subject to approval and must be made through an official request providing your name, date and description of incident and report number if known by contacting Investigators conducting background checks on members of the MC Community must contact Maureen Elder. Investigators must present an official ID and a copy of the information release form signed by the subject of the criminal history check.
The Office of Public Safety provides crime prevention programs, materials, and outreach to employees and students on topics ranging from personal safety to property protection. Departments or student organizations requesting outreach should email
Public Safety maintains Lost and Found on all campuses. Only property of value is accepted and retained. If you find property, you may turn it in to any Public Safety officer or to the Public Safety office. If you are looking for lost property, call any campus Public Safety office or stop by one of the locations. Lost and Found items are logged into a shared database that is accessible at any location by our staff.
- Be aware of your surroundings and be alert to the presence of strangers.
- Avoid potentially dangerous situations.
- Park and walk in well lit, frequently traveled areas. Avoid walking alone at night.
- Utilize campus escort services provided by Public Safety.
- Learn where emergency telephones are located on the campus.
- Program the Public Safety number into your cell phone.
- Always lock your vehicle and do not leave valuables in plain view.
- Do not leave personal items unattended at any time.
- Always report suspicious persons or activities to Public Safety.
Patrol Services
The Office of Public Safety provides 24/7/365 patrol coverage to all of our campuses through a hybrid model of uniformed Public Safety Officers and Campus Police Officers. All officers wear a blue uniform with a distinct shoulder patch and badge that delineates the authority differences. Campus Police officers are afforded law enforcement and arrest powers, whereas Public Safety officers do not possess law enforcement or arrest powers. All officers, regardless of authority, function as Public Safety officers at the core and proactively patrol by foot and vehicle, investigate incidents, provide first aid, and respond to all calls for service providing a wide variety of functions to assist and serve the community.

Safety Escorts
The Office of Public Safety provides an Escort Program for members of our community. Anyone who feels uncomfortable walking to their vehicle or between facilities may contact a Public Safety office at any campus (240-567-3333) for a walking escort. When requesting an escort, an individual will need to provide their name and location to the dispatcher so an officer can be sent to their location in a timely manner. Please keep in mind that response times may be delayed by campus incidents or emergencies. This program does not provide service for escorting individuals off campus. This service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Centralized Dispatch Operation

Annual Security Report (Clery Act)
Montgomery College’s Annual Security Report contains information and crime statistics for three calendar years for crimes that occurred:
- on campus;
- in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by MC; and
- on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible to, the campus.
The report also contains information regarding campus security and personal safety topics such as crime prevention, public safety authority, crime reporting policies, disciplinary procedures, and other information related to safety and security on campus.
Montgomery College’s Annual Security Report is prepared and distributed in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), and all implementing regulations issued by the US Department of Education (34 C.F.R. Part 668.46).
Hard copies of this report will be provided upon request by contacting a campus Office of Public Safety or the Clery Compliance Office at 240-567-4264.