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Parking and Transportation

Whether you're driving to class or taking public transportation, our three conveniently located campuses are easily accessible. 

As a Montgomery College student, you can take Ride On buses free of charge—24 hours a day, 7 days a week with an ID sticker valid for the current session. Students can obtain an ID and current sticker at Public Safety on any campus to ride the bus for free.

Parking on Campus

You must obtain a parking permit to park on campus and other College properties. Log in to the Parking Portal to obtain your permit, pay a citation, or appeal a citation.

Parking Portal


Visitors may obtain a temporary permit at each campus's Raptor Central Welcome Center.  

Germantown Campus:  Raptor Central; SA 100
Rockville Campus:  Raptor Central; SV 102
Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus: Raptor Central; ST 122

Citations may be paid onlinenew window or at the cashier's office on campus. Visitor appeals may be filed by emailing the citation number and the appeal reason to

Disabled parking spaces are located on each campus for use by persons with disabilities who display an authorized disability license plate or hangtag.

You must apply through the Motor Vehicle Administration (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window) to obtain an authorized disability parking permit, whether it be for a temporary or permanent accommodation. The MVA is the only authorized issuing agency for disabled plates and placards. College Parking or Public Safety cannot grant disabled parking privileges on campus.

A properly displayed MC parking permit is also required. Security reserves the right to check the state identification card issued along with the permit. The person who is issued the plate or hangtag must be the driver or an occupant in the vehicle when it is parked to legally use a handicapped parking space.

Students with disabilities having a problem finding parking in an ADA space should contact a parking attendant, call security at the numbers below, or use an emergency phone in the parking lot to contact security to get assistance finding a parking space. Security will assist students by directing the student to an available accessible parking space or by allowing the student to park in an otherwise reserved area.

Germantown Campus: Public Safety, SA 269, 240-567-3333 (recorded line); Raptor Central, SA 100, 240-567-5000
Rockville Campus: Public Safety, SV 122, 240-567-3333 (recorded line); Raptor Central, SV 102, 240-567-5000
Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus: Public Safety, ST 117, 240-567-3333 (recorded line); Raptor Central, ST 122, 240-567-5000

When registering in-person at any WDCE Customer Service location you will receive a temporary (30-day) parking permit. If the duration of your class is more than 30 days, you must print out the free parking permit to use for the remainder of your class. To print your permit, log in to the Parking Portalnew window using your MyMC information. Click on Get Permits, then follow the instructions and enter the correct information for your vehicle and class. Be sure to click PRINT on the confirmation page and display the printed permit in your vehicle. The Parking Permit will not be mailed to you. 

Parking Permit and Citation Fees

The College regulates parking on any campus or property owned by the College, including requiring the use of and payments for permits, the assessment of penalties for parking violations, the establishment of methods for the collection of fines, and the institution of an appropriate appeals process for all persons parking at its facilities, including but not limited to students, full-time and part-time employees, vendors, and visitors. Any person violating this policy is subject to fines and penalties. The College will publicize and disseminate all parking fees. See the College's complete Motor Vehicle Regulations policy (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window)

You must have a parking permit to park at the Central Services Building, located at 9221 Corporate Boulevard in Rockville. Log in to the Parking Portalnew window to obtain your permit, pay a citation, or appeal a citation.

Visitors are invited to park in the indoor garage (behind the building) or in unreserved outdoor spaces where Montgomery College banners are displayed on the overhead lights (near Omega Drive). You will need to register your license plate when you register at the Public Safety desk in the lobby.

If you have any questions, please e-mail

Campus Shuttle

The Fall Semester service runs from September 3 to December 20. The Spring Semester service runs from January 27 to May 16 on weekdays when classes are scheduled. The schedule shows departure times only. See the shuttle schedule (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window) . In case of inclement weather with a delayed opening, the service will begin with the first run, that is within thirty minutes of the posted opening time. The shuttles do not run over the summer. The shuttles are wheelchair accessible with a lift.  The shuttles also include bike racks for transporting bicycles on the front of the bus.

You can track the shuttle buses by downloading the Ride Systems Smartphone APPnew window.  The app will post any known delays in shuttle service, and show the current location of each shuttle bus.

Questions and concerns about the shuttle can be emailed to

Public Transportation Options

As a Montgomery College student, you can take Ride On buses free of charge seven days a week by showing your Montgomery College ID with the current Semester stickers. A College ID and current sticker can be obtained at Public Safety.

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority provides public transportation throughout DC, Maryland, and Virginia. See WMATA schedules, maps, and morenew window

There are Bikeshare stations on the Rockville Campus (in Lot 10) and on the Takoma Park/Silver Spring East Campus (near the bridge to the West Campus). Learn how Bikeshare works and locate other stations

Commuter Connectionsnew window is a regional network of transportation organizations coordinated by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. If you live or work in the Metropolitan Washington, DC, area, Commuter Connections can provide you with information on all your commute options, so you can make a smart choice about how you travel to work. 

Virtual Tour: Transportation at MC