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MC Alert Code Red: MC opens at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, January 21, due to potential weather conditions.

Records Management

The College established a Records Retention Schedule that defines the requirements for maintaining records for purposes of legal actions or defense, administrative and historical needs, educational records for students, personnel records for employees, and records required for compliance related matters. All persons are entitled access to college documents containing information related to the affairs of the College and the official actions of those individuals who act as its trustees and employees, in accordance with provisions of the Public Information Act of the State of Maryland. After college records have fulfilled their business purpose and are no longer useful, they are to be systematically disposed in accordance with the records retention schedule and procedures.

Records Retention Schedule

The Records Retention Schedule designates the appropriate length of time to maintain official records as determined by the administrative, fiscal, and legal needs of the College.  The Schedule applies to Records in all formats, including electronic records and electronic storage.

The major objectives of the Schedule are:

  • To ensure the proper retention of records for their legal, administrative, fiscal, and historical value.
  • To provide for a systematic disposal of all records as soon as they have fulfilled their usefulness.
  • To provide the record series titles, a brief description of the series, a specified retention period, and disposition for all of the College's official records.

The Records Retention Schedule is divided into sections specific to each College office and department. Each schedule identifies and briefly describes all official records series and establishes a timetable governing the disposition of the records. Only official paper records that are represented in the Schedule should be sent to Records Management for off-site storage. Note: It is not necessary to store the paper copy of a record if the Office stores the record electronically.

On the Schedule, the term “retention” underneath the series description denotes the total minimum life span of that record series. The schedule specifies how long the record series is to be retained in various locations, including office, offsite storage, (Paper only) or special collections.

The goals of records management are to:

  • Provide the right information at the right time to the right person at the lowest cost possible.
  • Retain records for the required period of time and destroy records when they become obsolete.

Records management is the responsibility of every College office and department and every College employee.
If you have College records or items that you believe may be of historical or archival value, please see the Special Collections website at

Records Management Procedures and Forms


Frequently Asked Questions

Records Management Basics
Records Retention
Electronic Records and E-mail Management
Offsite Storage of Records
Records Disposal
Records Management Services Contact Information
Historical, Archival Records
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