Student Government Association (SGA) and Activities Board
Student Government Association (SGA)

The Student Government Association is the official representative body for all students on our campus. The SGA provides the opportunity for students to address their concerns and take steps towards improving the campus.
All students are welcome to attend meetings on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month 3-4p.m. in HS011.
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2024-2025 Current SGA Senators
SGA Officers:
President: Denisia Jocktane- Akagah
Vice-President: Kaden Chenkin
Secretary: Alexandra Saavedra
Treasurer: Kassandra Guevara-Machado
SGA Senators:
Kirthiga AnandVel
Aniket Belur
Daniela Castro
Katlynn Enama
Varun Hubbly
Chrystal Imani
Stephanie Matos
Jayden Mautsa
Atiya Molla
Mercy Mukudzavhu
Shylah Prewitt
Bryan Sandoval
Killian Sibug
London Tracey
Mia Tunche
Arianna Villatoro
Prospective students should turn in their completed application to the Office of Student Life. For any questions regarding the SGA application process, contact the SGA or the advisor.
Student Activities Board
The Student Activities Board (SAB) is a student-run organization that strives to enhance the Montgomery College student experience through planning and promoting a wide range of social, cultural, recreational, and educational on-campus programs to serve the diverse needs and interests of the student body. Past activities have included a masquerade ball, Halloween Bash, trivia, and more.
Join us to help organize fun events at MC. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
Apply for the SAB