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Why I Give

Bobbi Shulman

Bill Hard, Foundation board member

“I am a testament to the benefits of a Montgomery College education…”

- Bobbi Schulman, Montgomery College Foundation Donor

Growing up low-income, Jewish, and a woman in the south in the 1960s, I didn’t have a lot of options. I was a serious student and my grades reflected that. I had drive and ambition, but lacked money and, importantly, guidance.

Thankfully, some dear relatives saw my potential and paid for me to attend secretarial school. With my certificate in hand, I set off for Washington, D.C. at age 19, where I secured a government job. After moving to Montgomery County and having saved the $100 needed, I enrolled at Montgomery College. After working all day, I took the bus to the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus. For two glorious nights a week, I sat in a college classroom and absorbed everything I could.

When I married my husband, Larry, he was a full-time law student, who worked part time, while I was a full-time secretary, who went to school part time. After a few years, I was able to attend college full-time at the University of Maryland, College Park.

After one semester, I realized I was pregnant. In 1971, a 25-year-old, pregnant college student was something of an oddity. Determined to stay in school, I tried to hide my pregnancy by wearing a trench coat to class.

My first child was born that summer. Two more would follow. As the years passed, I took classes when I could. Eighteen years after starting at Montgomery College, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in communications from American University. I would eventually go on to receive my master’s degree.

My story is similar to that of many Montgomery College students. Like me, they juggle working while going to college, or they juggle parenting while going to college. Some do all three.

As a past College trustee and a current Montgomery College Foundation director, I am privileged to meet students whose circumstances remind me so much of my own. They are focused, determined, hungry to learn, and in need of support.

I am a testament to the benefits of a Montgomery College education, which is Why I Give. I hope you will join me.

Bobbi Schulman

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