Data Science Program FAQs and Capstone Project Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Courses follow the Academic Calendar for start and end dates. All DATA and statistics courses are offered every fall and spring semester. In addition DATA 101, DATA 110, and statistics (MATH 117 or BSAD 210) are also offered in the summer.
All DATA classes have evening sections available, and some have daytime sections available as well.
See the Schedule of Classes for specific course offerings.
All DATA courses are offered virtually.
The statistics requirement (MATH 117, BSAD 210, or MATH 217) is offered face-to-face and online.
The certificate is five courses and a total of 16 credits. The cost of each course follows the current tuition and fee schedule. Your cost will depend on your resident status and your financial aid status.
The certificate can be completed in three semesters. In the first semester, students must take one of the three introductory statistics classes, because it is a prerequisite to take the 100-level DATA classes. DATA 101 and DATA 110 may be taken concurrently as can DATA 201 and DATA 205.
If a student has already completed the statistics requirement, the certificate can be completed in two semesters.
Just apply to MC. There is not a specific application to the Data Science Certificate.
Your prior statistics course may satisfy the prerequisite to take DATA 101 and/or DATA 110, and be transferable as credit for the statistics requirement of the certificate (MATH 117, BSAD 210, or MATH 217). If you are interested in this possibility, please email the registrar your unofficial transcript for evaluation of course credits. You should also contact us at
If you would rather retake a statistics course at MC, you are welcome to do so.
DATA 205 Capstone Projects
DATA 205: “Capstone Experience in Data Science” is the culminating course of the Data Science Certificate.
In this course, our students complete a semester-long capstone project under the mentorship of a faculty member and local government or industry partner. Our students have the opportunity to work with real-world data and apply the skills they have learned in the certificate classes.
Check back soon for sample student capstone projects.
Interested in being a capstone project mentor? Please contact us at

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