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Computer Gaming and Simulation Degree

Associate of Applied Science
Virtual Open House - Performing, Visual, Media Arts

March 26, 7 p.m. via Zoom
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 student working on computer graphics

Are you interested in the rapidly growing field of gaming? Then MC’s computer gaming and simulation associate’s degree is for you.

The degree curriculum will introduce you to the emerging technology area of game and simulation development. You can take classes in game programming, game production and design, and game art and animation.

MC’s faculty experts will teach core game development skills and theory, gaming and computer simulation technology applications, and computer graphics technology. Electives provide an opportunity to explore a particular area of interest, such as programming, 3D modeling, mobile games, and other topics.

The computer gaming and simulation AAS will provide you with the skills necessary for entry-level employment in the industry, or for transfer to another institution. MC students transfer to schools across the US and around the world. Many MC students transfer to complete the bachelor’s degree in gaming and simulation at the University of Baltimore. UB offers gaming classes at the nearby Universities at Shady Grove campus, so students can stay in Montgomery County while completing their bachelors degree.

You will gain hands-on experience using industry standard equipment. Courses include board game design, game and simulation development, animation, website development, and more.

As a student at MC, you'll have the support, guidance, and opportunities you need to help you reach your goals.

Program Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, a student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the vocabulary of gaming and simulation.
  • Create an online portfolio containing game development related coursework.
  • Demonstrate working knowledge of analyzing, designing, and developing games in a team environment.

Program Advising

Meet with your academic advisor regularly to discuss your academic plans and make sure you are on track to graduate and/or transfer. The program advising guide outlines the degree requirements and is meant to supplement the advising process.

Transfer Opportunities

MC has a long history of successfully preparing students for transfer to four-year institutions. See all transfer agreements.


For some positions listed, a bachelor's degree or higher may be required. Use the Career and Program Explorer to see a full report for this career field. See links below chart for further guidance and/or connect with a Program Advisor to discuss career goals.

Multimedia artists and animators create animation and visual effects for television, movies, video games, and other forms of media. Careers also include game programming, game production and design.

  • MC Student Employment Services: Speak with the Student Employment Specialist for help with resume writing, interviewing, setting up a College Central Network (CCN)new window account and other job search topics.
  • Career Coach: Explore Career Coach to learn more about this career and/or discover related majors and in-demand careers based on your current interests! Take a Career Assessment and then browse careers and job opportunities in the area.


Suggest Course Sequence: Computer Gaming and Simulation

A suggested two-year course sequence for students in Computer Gaming and Simulation follows

  • All students should review the advising guide and consult an advisor.
  • Find out about related programs and course in the Fields of Study section.
  • Most courses have either assessment levels that must be met or prerequisites (courses that must be taken first). Part-time students and those who need to meet assessment levels or take prerequisite courses will take longer to complete a degree. An advisor will help make sure you are taking your courses in the right order.
  • All degree-seeking students must take a central group of General Education courses in English, mathematics, arts, behavioral and social sciences, humanities, and science. These courses are included in the suggested course sequence below.

Suggested Course Sequence

Students should complete the required English and Math foundation courses within the first 24 credit hours. A suggested course sequence for full-time students follows; part-time students should review the Program Advising Guide and consult an advisor.

First Semester

Second Semester

Third Semester

Fourth Semester

* ENGL 101/ENGL 101A, if needed for ENGL 102/ENGL 103, or program elective. 

** AAS programs require one 3-credit Arts or Humanities General Education course.

‡ Pick one: CMSC 100, CMSC 135CMSC 140, CMSC 201CMSC 203CMSC 204CMSC 206CMSC 214CMSC 220CMSC 222CMSC 224CMSC 226CMSC 230CMSC 234CMSC 240, CMSC 141CMSC 266TECH 225TECH 276, or TECH 277. Students transferring to UB should choose a programming class that will transfer. See a gaming advisor for details.

† Program electives list: ANTH 201, ARTT 100ARTT 102, ARTT 103, ARTT 105, ARTT 200, BSAD 101, CMAP 120, CCJS 110, CMSC 100 or higher, ENGL 190, GDES 116, GDES 121, GDES 134, GDES 135, GDES 216, GDES 218GDES 234, GDES 242, GDES 285HIST 116, HIST 117, HIST 200, HIST 201, MATH 117 or higher, MUSC 174, MUSC 184, natural science lab or non-lab distribution, NWIT 101 or higher, PHIL 101PHIL 190, PHIL 201PSYC 100, POLI 101, POLI 105, POLI 211, SOCY 100, TECH 225, TECH 273, TECH 276, TECH 277, TECH 282TVRA 140.

60 credits are required for graduation. University of Baltimore will accept up to 63 credits for transfer, so students transferring to UB may choose additional electives up to a total of 63 credits. Students with a B or above in CMSC 226 may be able to waive the equivalent upper level course at UB. Since transfer schools may require certain classes, students considering transferring to UB or other universities should review any applicable transfer agreements and meet with a gaming advisor to plan electives.

How To Apply and Register

Related Programs and Courses

General Studies Degree

Students who major in general studies explore personal, professional, and academic areas of interest within a flexible framework supporting transfer.

Workforce Development and Continuing Education

MC offers a wide variety of noncredit classes. These courses are designed to help you upgrade your skills, pursue career training, or learn something new.