English and Reading

Welcome to the English and Reading Area. Our caring, inclusive, and innovative faculty members help students build the critical reading, thinking, and writing skills that they will need for their major, certificate program, transfer institution, and/or the workforce. In addition to teaching effective writing and communication skills, our faculty members guide students to gain insight into the human experience by introducing them to diverse literary traditions.
Subjects of study in the English and Reading Area include English composition, creative writing, literature, professional writing, and reading. In addition to providing foundation courses for all academic programs, the English and Reading Area offers a Technical Writing Certificate. An English pathway of study is also included in the General Studies Humanities, Arts, Languages, and Communications Program.
English and reading faculty members are committed to meeting students where they are. We offer “live online,” regular online, face to face, and hybrid courses. We engage in up-to-date professional learning activities so we can make informed decisions about student-centered, inclusive classrooms that challenge students and prepare them for further studies and employment opportunities.
Dr. Elizabeth Benton began her career in education over twenty years ago. After teaching high school English for nine years, she began teaching college-level course work, first as an adjunct professor of English and education at Angelo State University in San Angelo, Texas. In 2004, Dr. Benton and her family relocated to the Washington, D.C., area where she joined Montgomery College as an adjunct professor before joining the College full-time in January 2007. During her tenure as an English faculty member, she served in various roles including course coordinator, department chair of the English and Reading department (Rockville), and more recently, Faculty Associate in English and Reading serving as program director for the Montgomery College Minority Faculty Internship (McMFI) and Academic Support Innovation.
In addition to teaching and providing college leadership, Dr. Benton enjoys serving on collegewide committees and participating in MC ELITE’s many professional learning cohorts. Most recently, Dr. Benton has contributed to various collegewide committees: MC 2025 Strategic Plan, Virtual Campus Strategic Plan, Committee for Assessment and Placement of Developmental Issues (CAPDI), and the Employees Services Council. Dr. Benton has engaged in several professional learning fellowships at Montgomery College including Facilitative Leadership, MC Management, and the Presidential Innovation and Leadership Institute. Additionally, she is a member of two Maryland Affinity Groups for English Composition, as well as the Two Year Composition Association (TYCA) and the College English Association Mid-Atlantic Group (CEA-MAG).
Dr. Benton earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Baylor University in Waco, Texas. A few years later, Dr. Benton received her Master of Arts degree from Columbia Teacher’s College in New York, New York. She completed her Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Her scholarly work focuses on teacher lived experience and improving access to college.
English and Reading Department - Rockville Campus
Department Chair: Teri Hurst
English and Reading Department - Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Department Chair: Charmaine Weston
English and Reading Department - Germantown Campus
Department Chair: Alejandro Leopardi
Degrees and Certificates
More Programs and Courses
We offer courses in grammar, literature, reading (developing reading skills and teaching reading), vocabulary, writing (basic writing skills; college writing; professional and technical writing; and creative writing, especially fiction and poetry). See full list below.
- ENGL 122 - Introduction to World Mythologynew window
- ENGL 190 - Introduction to Literaturenew window
- ENGL 201 - Introduction to World Literature Inew window
- ENGL 202 - Introduction to World Literature IInew window
- ENGL 205 - Masterpieces of Asian Literaturenew window
- ENGL 208 - Women in Literaturenew window
- ENGL 211 - Survey of American Literature Inew window
- ENGL 212 - Survey of American Literature IInew window
- ENGL 213 - Survey of British Literature Inew window
- ENGL 214 - Survey of British Literature IInew window
- ENGL 226 - Survey of African American Literature Inew window
- ENGL 227 - Survey of African American Literature IInew window
- ENGL 228 - Survey of Latina/o/x Literature in the USnew window
- ENGL 230 - Introduction to Modern Dramanew window
- ENGL 233 - The Short Storynew window
- ENGL 235 - Film and Literaturenew window
- ENGL 245 - The Bible as Literaturenew window
- ENGL 248 - Literature of the Holocaustnew window
- ENGL 258 - Techniques of Proofreading and Editingnew window
- ENGL 259 - Organization and Development of Technical Documentsnew window
- ENGL 264 - Introduction to Creative Writing of Fictionnew window
- ENGL 265 - Advanced Creative Writing of Fictionnew window
- ENGL 272 - Introduction to Creative Writing of Poetrynew window
For information about the upcoming semester's course offerings, click here.
ENGL 110: Principles of English Grammar is a required course in the Professional and Technical Writing Certificate program.
Students with an extensive familiarity with English grammar and/or editing experience
may take the ENGL 110 credit-by-exam test to earn course credit. Complete the Credit-by-Exam application (PDF, ) and meet with an English & Reading Department Chair to determine exam eligibility.
Course Syllabi
ENGL 101 & 011 (PDF, )
ENGL 101 (PDF, )
ENGL 102 (PDF, )
ENGL 103 (PDF, )
ENGL103 Accelerated (PDF, )
More course syllabi will be added as they are available.
MC English Guided Placement
English and Reading want to welcome you to Montgomery College!
Students should follow these steps if your first language is American English and you have attended a US school for 10 or more years (elementary, middle, high school).
Students without a high school diploma or GED and under the age of 18 years old by the first day of their initial entry term are considered Underage Students. Underage students are not eligible for standard admission into the College and may only register through dual enrollment. Please visit our Dual Enrollment webpage for more information
Step One: Apply to the College
If you are still working on this step, please finish claiming your college account. Visit this webpage: How to Apply and Register.
This page will help you complete the following tasks:
- Completing the admissions application
- Obtaining an M# (Montgomery College student ID number)
- Activating your account
Step Two: Check your transcripts/scores
Some new students may not have to complete a placement process if they already have alternative placement scores. For example:
- SAT scores
- ACT scores
- GED scores
- Transcript (Maryland High School or Other College)
- AP Language and Composition Test Scores
Make sure to visit the section Multiple Placement Options in this webpage before completing your placement process.
Make sure to visit the MC Course Placement Guides before beginning your placement process.
If you have one of these placement options, STOP and submit your unofficial scores to the Office of Raptor Central.
Step Three: Guided Placement Process
- Have your MyMC login credentials ready
- Using your MyMC login, open and complete the tasks in this form: MC English Guided Placement
- This process will take about 30-40 minutes to complete
- You may only do this process once. If you feel that you need to revise something after submitting your form and paragraph responses, please email EnglishPlacement@montgomerycollege.edu.
Honesty Matters at MC
There is no benefit to inflating or deflating your abilities on the Writing tasks. Your scores will not change your ability to take courses at Montgomery College. We will use your paragraph responses to help you choose the most appropriate courses for your incoming knowledge level and academic path.
Dishonest work on the paragraph responses could hinder your ability to receive financial aid or hurt your GPA by placing you into a more advanced course than you are ready for.
Cheating is a violation of Montgomery College’s Student Code of Conduct and is taken seriously. You are required to follow the honor policy below:
- Do not receive help from others.
- Do not use the Internet or other web-based resources.
Step Four:
- An English and Reading Advisor will contact you within two to three business days.
- The English and Reading Advisor may request to make a remote appointment with you.
- After the remote appointment, you should be able to register for an English class.
Step Five:
- If you need to complete your Math or Chemistry placement process, you must do that separately. See the MC Course Placement Guides for more information.
- If you have completed your Course Placement for all your courses, you must complete the New Student Orientation.
What is guided placement?
Guided Placement helps you get placed into English (IERW or ENGL) composition classes. This is a placement method that you can complete at home or on campus.
How does it work?
Using an online form, students give us information about themselves, answer a few
questions, and then tell us which composition class they would like to take. Students
then give us a writing sample based on a short prompt. Once the form is done, the
information and the writing sample are sent to our Guided Placement team. This form
is not timed, but students should do this in one session. Students should also do
this form on a device with a stable internet connection. Students shouldn’t use their
phone to do this.
What class can I request a placement for?
You can request a placement for the following classes:
- IERW 001: a non-credit class that leads to an English foundation class.
- IERW 002: a non-credit that leads to an English foundation class.
- ENGL 101/011: a credit level class for students ready for College-level writing with a grammar support portion.
- ENGL 101: a credit level class for students ready for College-level writing.
If you would like more information about these courses, please visit the English and Reading Department webpage.
After you complete the Guided Placement form and request an English placement, the Guided Placement team reads your writing and places you in a class that would help you be successful.
How long does the Guided Placement form take to fill out?
The form usually takes 45 minutes to complete. You should not rush this. Take your time and read everything very, very carefully.
Do I get a score?
No. The Guided Placement team will read your writing and place you in a class that will help you learn to write better. This is based on your writing sample.
What If I make a mistake? Can I take the form again?
All students are allowed to re-take the Guided Placement Form one time. Email the Placement time at EnglishPlacement@Montgomerycollege.edu to request to re-do the placement.
I don’t like my placement. Can I do it again?
Yes. All students can re-do the Guided Placement Form one time.
I already have scores for an English class. Can I take the Guided Placement form anyway?
If you already have English placements from high school transcripts, SAT scores, ACT scores or other methods, you should not take our Guided Placement. However, you can if you wish. The Guided Placement team will look at all your scores and your writing samples and decide which class you should be placed into.
I am currently in an English class but I don’t like it. Can I take the Guided Placement form and get out of it?
No. Once you are registered in an English class, you can not place out of it.
How long do I have to wait to get my placement?
We usually respond to requests for placements within 48 hours.
Do I have to come to campus to do this?
No. You can do this at home or anywhere you have a device and a stable internet connection. You shouldn’t do this on a cellphone.
Can I take this if I’m in High School?
If you are in High School during the next academic year, you must be in the Dual Enrollment
program to take the Guided Placement form. Use this link to learn more about the Dual Enrollment Program.
I left college a long time ago but now I’m back. What do I do?
Complete our Guided Placement form. This is the most efficient and fastest way to help you get back into college classes.
I’m a student from another country. Can I complete this form?
You should contact the English as a Second Language (ESL) or the English Language for Academic Purposes (ELAP) department. They will help you get started. Use this link for more information.
Do I have to do the Guided Placement form?
If you don’t know your current English placement, you should complete the Guided Placement form so we can help you. If you know your current English placement at MC, you do not need to take our Guided Placement form.
Can I place into ENGL 102?
You can not place into ENGL 102 using the Guided Placement form. To learn more about placing directly into ENGL 102, email Teri Hurst, the Chair of English and Reading at the Rockville campus at Teri.Hurst@montgomerycollege.edu.
Who reads my writing sample?
The Guided Placement team reads all writing samples. The Guided Placement team consists of all English professors. We have taught these classes for many, many years, and we know everything about them, the courses and their requirements.
Who can I talk to if I have questions?
Email the Director of the Guided Placement program, Professor Jarvis Slacks, at Jarvis.Slacks@Montgomerycollege.edu. You can also use this link to schedule appointments face-to-face or over Zoom.
Can you help me pick my classes?
No. You should meet with Montgomery College Counselors and Advisors. Use this link to connect to them.
How do I get started?
To complete our Guided Placement form, use this link.
English and Reading Discipline