History and Political Science Department

Free public lecture,
- Date: April 24, noon to 2 p.m.
- Location: Montgomery College, Rockville CampusLocation: Science West BuildingRoom 301
- Sponsored by MC History and Political Science and Rockville Sister Cities CorporationLecturers
- Speakers: Dr. Gerrit van der Wees (George Mason) and Dr. Hung-bin Ding (Loyola MD)
The Rockville History and Political Science Department offers an exciting and dynamic set of intellectual experiences that will provide you with a strong preparation for any career that you select.
Today’s rapidly-changing and dynamic world requires a multicultural and global education in whatever field of study you decide to pursue. Our historians and political scientists provide courses that range from the dawn of the human race, to the breaking news events of today. Each one of them possesses an expertise that can help you develop the kind of background that you will need to function in the world of the twenty-first century.
Meet Our Faculty and Staff
Courses by Subject
Students are encouraged to participate in an internship during their course of study. Internships allow students to apply their classroom knowledge to the real world. They also earn valuable work experience. The history and political science department can help you find an internship; we maintain a list of possible internship opportunities. Please contact the department chair or history coordinator for more information.
A new course, Politics in Action (PS 26), combines an academic seminar and internships that complement classroom studies.
Course Syllabi
Student Resources
Montgomery College has a long history of preparing students for successful transfer to four-year institutions. Learn more about transferring to major in history, political science, or international studies.
- American Political Science Associationnew window: The American Political Science Association, founded in 1903, is the leading professional
organization for the study of political science and serves more than 15,000 members
in over 80 countries. With a range of programs and services for individuals, departments
and institutions, APSA brings together political scientists from all fields of inquiry,
regions, and occupational endeavors within and outside academe in order to expand
awareness and understanding of politics.
- U.S. Department of Justicenew window
American Historical Associationnew window: The American Historical Association (AHA) is a nonprofit membership organization founded in 1884 and incorporated by Congress in 1889 for the promotion of historical studies, the collection and preservation of historical documents and artifacts, and the dissemination of historical research. As the largest historical society in the United States, the AHA provides leadership and advocacy for the profession, fights to ensure academic freedom, monitors professional standards, spearheads essential research in the field, and provides resources and services to help its members succeed. The AHA serves more than 14,000 history professionals, representing every historical period and geographical area. AHA members include K –12 teachers, academics at two- and four-year colleges and universities, graduate students, historians in museums, historical organizations, libraries and archives, government and business, as well as independent historians.
Organization of American Historiansnew window: The Organization of American Historians promotes excellence in the scholarship, teaching, and presentation of American history, and encourages wide discussion of historical questions and equitable treatment of all practitioners of history.
The OAH Community College Workshop is a three-day experience for community college historians. Designed to enrich the teaching of the U.S. history survey, the workshop presents new historical themes as well as the latest historical research in traditional themes to college survey instructors. The fifth annual OAH Community College Workshop will be held in Denver, Colorado.
During the sesquicentennial of the Civil War (2011-2015), the OAH is committed to bringing the best current thinking on this complex era to a wide audience. Our commemoration efforts began in March at the OAH Annual Meeting in Houston and continue with the current issue of the OAH Magazine of History, which focuses on the origins of the Civil War. more...
We also invite you to visit our “Civil War at 150” Web site where you can listen to a series of podcasts and explore additional resources as we examine the history of the war from its beginnings through its aftermath.
The National Archivesnew window: The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the nation's record keeper. Of all documents and materials created in the course of business conducted by the United States Federal government, only 1%-3% are so important for legal or historical reasons that they are kept by us forever.
Those valuable records are preserved and are available to you, whether you want to see if they contain clues about your family’s history, need to prove a veteran’s military service, or are researching an historical topic that interests you.
The Library of Congressnew window: The Library's mission is to support the Congress in fulfilling its constitutional duties and to further the progress of knowledge and creativity for the benefit of the American people.
The National Museum of American Historynew window: The Smithsonian's National Museum of American History dedicates its collections and scholarship to inspiring a broader understanding of our nation and its many peoples. We create opportunities for learning, stimulate imaginations, and present challenging ideas about our country’s past.
The Maryland State Archivesnew window: As the historical agency for Maryland, the State Archives is the central depository for government records of permanent value. Records date from the founding of the Maryland colony in 1634 through the 1990s. These records are described in the State Archives' Guide to Government Records. They include colonial and State executive, legislative and judicial records; county probate, land and court records; business records; publications and reports of the State, county and municipal governments; records of religious bodies; and special collections of maps, newspapers, photographs, and private papers.
The Maryland State Historical Societynew window
The Montgomery County Historical Society: The Montgomery County Historical Society (MCHS) strives to highlight the role of history as a vital part of the cultural and social fabric of Montgomery County. Montgomery County has experienced significant growth in the past sixty five years and the Montgomery County Historical Society has grown as well. Since its founding in 1944, MCHS has moved from an all volunteer organization to one boasting over 1,400 members, a professional staff and hundreds of supportive and dedicated volunteers.