Board Conference Presentations
Association of Community College Trustees Leadership Congress Presentations
How DEI Commitment Strengthens Board Work (PDF, )
- Gloria Aparicio Blackwell, Chair, Montgomery College Board of Trustees
- Kimberly Jones, Interim Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer
- Dr. Jermaine F. Williams, President
Engaging the Community During a Presidential Transition (PDF, )
- Annice Cody, Trustee | Montgomery College
- Omar A. Lazo, Trustee | Montgomery College
- Robert F. Levey, Trustee | Montgomery College
- Dr. Michelle T. Scott, Special Assistant to the President | Montgomery College
- Dr. Jermaine F. Williams, President | Montgomery College
Creativity and Intentionality: Meeting the Basic Needs of Students and Families During
COVID-19 and Beyond (PDF, )
- Gloria Aparicio Blackwell, Trustee | Montgomery College
- Dr. Melissa Gregory, Associate Senior Vice President for Student Affairs | Montgomery College
- Dr. Tonya Mason, Dean of Student Affairs | Montgomery College
- Dr. Jermaine F. Williams, President | Montgomery College
From Awareness to Action to Change: Becoming an Antiracist Institution (PDF, )
- Dr. Michael A. Brintnall, Chair, Board of Trustees | Montgomery College
- Dr. Charlene M. Dukes, Interim President | Montgomery College
- Marsha Suggs Smith, Trustee | Montgomery College
- Sharon B. Wilder, Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer | Montgomery College
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, no conference presentations were given in 2020.
Building the Future: Collaborating with Campus Constituents in Candid Conversation (PDF, )
- DeRionne Pollard, President | Montgomery College
- Gloria Aparicio Blackwell, Trustee | Montgomery College
- Kenneth Hoffman, Trustee | Montgomery College
- Robert Levey, Trustee | Montgomery College
- Susan Cottle Madden, Chief Government Relations Officer | Montgomery College
Mitigating Risk and Instilling Ethics through Compliance (PDF, )
- Dr. DeRionne Pollard, President | Montgomery College
- Vicki Duggan, Chief of Compliance, Risk, and Ethics | Montgomery College
- Dr. Kenneth Hoffman, Trustee | Montgomery College
- Robert Levey, Trustee | Montgomery College
- Benjamin Wu, Trustee | Montgomery College
Trustee Information Day: A Day in the Life of a Student (PDF, )
- Dr. DeRionne Pollard, President | Montgomery College
- Marsha Suggs Smith, Trustee | Montgomery College
- Robert Hydorn, Trustee | Montgomery College
- Robert Levey, Trustee | Montgomery College
Alternate Placement: Moving Students Forward (PDF, )
- Marsha Suggs Smith, Chair, Board of Trustees | Montgomery College
- Gloria Aparicio Blackwell, Second Vice Chair, Board of Trustees | Montgomery College
- Dr. DeRionne Pollard, President | Montgomery College
- Dr. Sanjay Rai, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs | Montgomery College
Milestone Moments: Building for Student Success (PDF, )
- Dr. Kenneth Hoffman, Trustee | Montgomery College
- Dr. DeRionne Pollard, President | Montgomery College
- Dr. Michelle Scott, Deputy Chief of Staff | Montgomery College
Montgomery College Community Engagement: Turning the College Inside Out (PDF, )
- Gloria Aparicio Blackwell, Second Vice Chair, Board of Trustees | Montgomery College
- Dr. Kenneth Hoffman, Trustee | Montgomery College
- Dr. DeRionne Pollard, President | Montgomery College
- David Sears, Senior Vice President for Advancement and Community Engagement | Montgomery College
- Karla Silvestre, Director of Community Engagement | Montgomery College
The Benefits of a Healthy College-Health System Partnership (PDF, )
- Michael Knapp, Trustee | Montgomery College
- Marsha Suggs Smith, Trustee | Montgomery College
- Ben Wu, Trustee | Montgomery College
- Dr. DeRionne Pollard, President | Montgomery College
- Kevin Sexton, President & CEO | Holy Cross Health
Achieving Collegiate Excellence and Success - A Pathway Program for College Completion (PDF, )
- Reggie Felton, Chair, Board of Trustees | Montgomery College
- Gloria Aparicio Blackwell, Trustee | Montgomery College
- Michael Knapp, Trustee | Montgomery College
- Dr. DeRionne Pollard, President | Montgomery College
- Stewart Edelstein, Executive Director | Universities at Shady Grove
- Dr. Joshua Starr, Superintendent of Schools | Montgomery County Public Schools
- Dr. Beverly Walker-Griffea, President | Mott Community College, MI