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Become a Trustee

Montgomery College Raptor Wants You

Montgomery College wants YOU to be our Student Trustee!

Apply Today! The deadline is Wednesday, March 26, 2025. 

The Nominating Committee for the Montgomery College Board of Trustees is accepting applications from Montgomery College students interested in serving a one-year term on the Board of Trustees from July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026. Please see below for information on how to apply. 

What Student Trustees Do

1. Bring a Student Perspective: As full voting members of the board, student trustees bring a voice to the table, advocating for the mission, vision, and values of the College.

2. Shape Policies: Student trustees actively participate in discussions and decision-making processes to develop College policies that are inclusive, equitable, and beneficial to all members of the College community. 

3. Collaborate with College Leaders: Student trustees collaborate with College leadership and serve as the liaison to the Alumni Association to facilitate effective communication. 

4. Represent Diversity and Inclusion: Student trustees support diversity, equity, and inclusion to foster a sense of belonging for all members of the College community.


Montgomery College students who wish to be considered for the student trustee position must:

  • have completed at least 18 credit hours at Montgomery College at the time of application for the position,
  • possess a cumulative grade point average—and a current semester grade point average—of at least 2.0 at the time of appointment,
  • be currently enrolled in at least six credit hours of coursework at Montgomery College, 
  • be a Montgomery County resident at the time of appointment and during the term of office

Please also consider:

  • The student trustee position requires an extensive time commitment
  • Trustees meet once every month for board meetings, participate in committee meetings, and attend events 
  • Employees who are students at Montgomery College are not eligible to serve on the Board of Trustees
How to Apply

Students interested in serving on the Montgomery College Board of Trustees must submit the following via email to Mr. Henry Hailstock, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, at window

  • A letter of intent stating why you would like to serve on the Board
  • Resume (if you need a template, you may reach out to Student Employment Servicesnew window)
  • Supporting references 

The student trustee is appointed by the Governor of Maryland, upon recommendation of the Nominating Committee.

All applications must be submitted by Wednesday, March 26 , 2025. Applications will not be accepted at Montgomery College. 

Additional information about the nominating process is available from Mr. Henry Hailstock at mcnomcom@gmail.comnew window or 240-595-1931. 

For more information about the Board of Trustees, check out the Montgomery College Board of Trustees window

What Happens Next

Once all applications have been received, selected candidates will be scheduled for an interview with the Nominating Committee.

Upon the recommendation of the Nominating Committee, the name of the student who is selected will be forwarded to the Governor of Maryland who will make a final decision by June 30.

Questions and Answers

Frequently Asked Questions about Student Trusteeship

What are the responsibilities of the student trustee?

The student trustee is a member of the College’s legal governing body with full voting rights. This trustee responsibility includes advocating for the mission, vision, and values of the College; providing input on policy development and decisions;  attending monthly board meetings, committee meetings, retreats, and trustee conferences; and serving as a liaison to the Alumni Association.  

Who can be a student trustee?

We encourage all students who meet the eligibility requirements and are interested in becoming a trustee to apply.

Do I need governance experience to be a student trustee?

As long as you have a strong interest and desire to participate in governance, please apply!

How long is the student trustee term?

The student trustee will serve a one-year term on the Board of Trustees from July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026.

What are the eligibility requirements to become a student trustee?

Montgomery College students who wish to be considered for the student trustee position must:

  • have completed at least 18 credit hours at Montgomery College at the time of application for the position
  • possess a cumulative grade point average—and a current semester grade point average—of at least 2.0 at the time of appointment
  • be enrolled in at least six credit hours of coursework at Montgomery College
  • be a Montgomery County resident at the time of appointment and during the term of office

How do I apply to be a student trustee?

By March 26, 2025, email a letter of intent, your resume, and references to Mr. Henry Hailstock, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, at mcnomcom@gmail.comnew window.

How much of a time commitment is expected from the student trustee?

The student trustee position requires an extensive time commitment. The student trustee will attend monthly board meetings, committee meetings, and events.

What support and resources are available to the student trustee in fulfilling their duties?

The student trustee will receive a new trustee orientation and ongoing support from the board office staff to assist in successfully fulfilling their duties. 

How is the selection process for the student trustee conducted?

Once all applications have been received, selected candidates will be scheduled for an interview with the Nominating Committee.

If the student is selected for the position, their name will be forwarded to the Governor of Maryland who will make a final decision by June 30.

What kind of training or orientation is provided to the newly appointed student trustee?

At the start of their term, the student trustee will receive a new trustee orientation covering the College mission, vision, and values; board roles and responsibilities; and governance structures, policies, and practices.  

Can the student trustee continue their academic studies while serving in this role?

Yes, the student trustee must be enrolled in six credit hours of coursework and maintain a grade point average of 2.0 during their term. The student trustee has to manage their time effectively to fulfill their duties.

Can the student trustee serve on a College governance committee? 

Yes, the student trustee may serve on a College governance committee but they may not serve as an officer of any governance group.