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Creative Writing and Business Writing

a woman typing a story on a laptop.

Sharpen your writing skills with our dynamic array of creative writing and business writing courses. Dive into a world of opportunities as you embark on a journey to discover courses designed to refine your writing skills. From mastering the art of concise, impactful communication to conquering writer's block, from the intricacies of publishing to the secrets of influential business writing – we've got it all and more! Join us, and let your words transform your world. 

Upcoming Schedule of Classes

Summer 2024 Offerings
  • June 8: Fiction Writing Workshop - NEW
  • June 8: How to Publish Your Book - NEW
  • June 10: Overcoming Writer's Block
  • July 13: Novel Writer's Boot Camp - NEW

Writing Schedule at a Glance - Summer 2024 (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window)


Business Writing Courses

Become a more effective writer and learn tools on how to improve and sharpen your writing skills to produce well-written documents. Explore how to organize your thoughts before writing and how to avoid grammatical mistakes. The course will focus on how to use wording and style to achieve a courteous and friendly tone, grammar and punctuation rules, and the creation of transition sentences. Review some time saving techniques that can help you quickly compose documents. Learn how to utilize organizational strategies such as chronological order, spatial order, and order of importance. 15-hour course.

Learn the fundamentals of narrative writing: theme, plot, character, conflict and setting. Uncover narrative writing techniques, and how and when to use them in presentations, papers and other forms of written communication. 9-hour course.

Find strategies to overcome writer’s block, unleash your creativity, and become a more confident and successful writer. Learn what writer’s block really is and explore practical steps to regain your inspiration. Discover proven techniques to begin writing when it doesn’t feel quite right or if you have been in a rut. Understand the difference between writing well versus falling into perfectionism. Elevate your creative writing skills with exercises that will get your creativity flowing and help you achieve writing success so you can start consistently producing inspired work more often. 6-hour course.

Do you find yourself writing sentences that are too long? Get to the point and explore what filler words are, how to eliminate them, and, learn how to identify and re-construct overly complex sentences into clear and coherent ones. 9-hour course.

Capture the attention of your readers by adjusting your writing style for a targeted audience. Learn strategies for communicating thoughts and ideas effectively, the difference between active and passive voice, and how to concisely get your message across. 12-hour course.

Creative Writing Courses

NEW Summer 2024

Embark on your fiction-writing journey, whether you are aspiring to write a novel or are a published writer seeking to elevate your craft, dive into this immersive hands-on experience. Explore the intricacies of stellar fiction, mastering character development, conflict resolution, and plot structure. Hone your skills in crafting compelling dialogue, creating vivid scenes, and refining your prose to meet commercial writing standards. This workshop can help you unlock impactful storytelling and transform your writing aspirations. 10-hour course.

NEW Summer 2024

Unleash your storytelling journey and receive expert insights into book publishing, self-publishing, effective writing, formatting, and marketing strategies. Elevate your writing game with this comprehensive, step-by-step course, led by a published author. Discover powerful shortcuts and acquire the tools needed to succeed in the competitive world of publishing. Whether it's your first book or part of a series, this course is your key to becoming a successful author and will give you tools you need to get published. 10-hour course.

Join this workshop and explore ways to self-publish or re-purpose your content into multiple formats including paperback, digital, blog, cards, apps, calendars, and more. Begin to master techniques, style, and storytelling by learning different methods for writing inspirational prose and poetry. Begin to recognize writing techniques that inspire creativity. Use creative writing techniques to craft compelling stories and captivate readers for personal and professional growth. 6-hour course.

NEW Summer 2024

This critique-intensive class is designed to support novel-writers through the creation of their first drafts. You’ll have an opportunity to submit excerpts from your work and receive critique and support from the instructor and fellow writers. Re-register each semester this course is offered until your book is complete, providing ongoing support for navigating the challenges of crafting that all-important first draft. Ignite your creativity and become a skilled and accomplished author. 10-hour course.

Elevate your writing prowess by learning a process for transforming tension and stress into a productive mindset. Overcome writer's block with proven strategies that keep your creative flow unhampered. Boost productivity with practical writing hacks that enhance output and set effective writing goals for success. Cultivate mindful writing practices to infuse depth and authenticity into your work. Writing lessons and exercises are designed to create a shift in one’s thinking to effectively use daily writing to have a positive impact. 12-hour course.


Registration Information

Our noncredit programs are open enrollment and available to students on a first come, first serve basis. Registration is open until the class start date or the class is at full capacity. Some courses or programs require program approval or have required prerequisites. Students attempting to register online must login to their MyMC Student Account to register for the classes in the program.

Ways to Register

Review all WDCE Registration Information, Options, and Policiesnew window.