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Staff Enrichment Day

Staff Enrichment Day Banner

Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 8:00 a.m-4:00 p.m., Germantown Campus

Stronger Together: Transforming Tomorrow
Staff Enrichment Day logo

Each year, the College designates a day for the purpose of bringing associate and support staff, both bargaining and non-bargaining, together for professional and personal growth. The collegewide Staff Enrichment Day (SED) is held during spring break every year and is rotated between the three campuses (Takoma Park/Silver Spring, Rockville, and Germantown).

SED offers professional and personal development workshops, a chance to network with other staff, and is the venue at which the Staff Distinguished Service Award is presented. All bargaining and non-bargaining associate and support staff are welcome and encouraged to attend. In addition, a certificate is given to each staff member who has recently completed a certificate or degree program.

Services will be suspended all day to allow staff to attend the event, with the understanding that staff not attending will either report for their regular work location or take leave. 

Registration and Event Schedule
  • 8:00-9:00 a.m. – Check-in and Breakfast, Globe Hall, High Tech (HT) Building

  • 9:15-10:30 a.m. – Opening (Globe Hall)

  • 10:45-11:45 a.m. – AM Workshops

  • 11:45 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. – Lunch (BE 151/152) and Vendor Fair (Student Services)

  • 1:45-2:45 p.m. – PM Workshops

  • 3:00-4:00 p.m. – Closing, Globe Hall 

Morning Workshops (AM)

  1. An Introduction to the Montgomery College Participatory Governance System
  2. Are You Ready for Retirement? How to Plan for Income in Retirement & How to Exit Employment Successfully
  3. Barre Essentials and Flow
  4. Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (C.R.A.S.E.)
  5. Coping During Uncertain Times
  6. Cybersecurity Awareness
  7. Do You Know How To Use Our Stop the Bleed Kits and use the Narcan Spray?
  8. Fresh Floral Design Basics
  9. Get the Most Out of Your Cigna Health Insurance Plan
  10. Hands Only CPR
  11. Healthy Cooking with Alana Sugar
  12. Leadership in Learning Organizations: Navigating the Path to Success
  13. Make Your Own Conversation Starters And Gratitude Toolkits!
  14. Making Healthy Food and Snack Choices Easier!
  15. Meditation 101 and Journaling
  16. Mobility & Injury Prevention
  17. Networking & Thriving with AAWCC-MC
  18. Nearing Retirement with Voya Financial Advisors, Inc.
  19. Pilates 101
  20. Plan, Prepare, Process: Understanding and Accessing EAP Benefits
  21. Self Defense
  22. Wills & Estate Planning with an Attorney, Legal Aid
  23. Yoga All Levels to Reduce Stress with Onelife Fitness
  24. Your Future Starts Now, Corebridge Financial
  25. Zumba Fitness, Dance Party - Onelife Fitness

Afternoon Workshops (PM)

  1. Active Listening – Embracing Positive Communication
  2. Are You Ready for Retirement? How to Plan for Income in Retirement & How to Exit Employment Successfully
  3. Barre Essentials and Flow
  4. Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (C.R.A.S.E.)
  5. Cybersecurity Awareness
  6. Dance Fitness Party and Line Dancing - Onelife Fitness
  7. Do You Know How To Use Our Stop the Bleed Kits and use the Narcan Spray?
  8. Gardening with Native Plants
  9. Get Fit And Fly With Kaiser In 2025 With Chair Yoga
  10. Hands Only CPR
  11. Healthy Cooking with Alana Sugar
  12. Make Your Own Conversation Starters And Gratitude Toolkits!
  13. Making Healthy Food and Snack Choices Easier!
  14. Meditation 101 and Journaling
  15. Mobility & Injury Prevention
  16. Nearing Retirement with Voya Financial Advisors, Inc.
  17. Retiring from Montgomery College with HRSTM
  18. Self Defense
  19. Wills & Estate Planning with an Attorney, Legal Aid
  20. Yoga All Levels to Reduce Stress with Onelife Fitness
IMPORTANT: SED Liability Waiver

All staff are REQUIRED to fill out and submit the Liability Waivernew window if you plan to attend Staff Enrichment Day.

Additional Information

The Staff Distinguished Service Award is a cash award established from an endowment fund left by Ms. Peggy Bebee, former special assistant for staff concerns. The award is presented yearly to a deserving staff employee as determined by their peers.

The criteria are as follows:

  • Nominee must be a regular staff employee with a minimum of five (5) years of service
  • Nominee shall have demonstrated or performed a high degree of service for the benefit of staff employees at Montgomery College to one or more of the following:
    1. Served as a staff representative in the governance system
    2. Served as a committee chair or member on standing governance Committee representing staff concerns
    3. Served as a committee chair on a college/campuswide committee representing staff
    4. Nominee would have performed a high degree of service affecting staff within a College unit
    5. Nominee would have performed a distinguished service or implemented a plan or idea which would positively affect staff at Montgomery College.

The recipient of the award will be announced at Staff Enrichment Day event in March. 

To help make this a successful day of personal and professional development, we encourage all staff who are interested in facilitating a workshop to submit a workshop proposal.

Important Note: Only Montgomery College employees and approved Montgomery College vendors may lead Staff Enrichment Day workshops and attend the Information Fair.

We would like to recognize your achievement! Staff who have completed a degree/certificate program since June 2024, or will complete a degree/certificate program by May 2025, will be presented with a certificate.

The SED Planning Committee consists of all staff members at the College. The Chair and Co-Chair oversee the committee while other members work on various parts of the event including catering, professional workshops, communications, and volunteering. 

Daphne Alfelor (Chair), Tilandra Rhyne (Co-Chair), Nghi Nguyen (Staff Council Chair), Shakenna Adams-Gormley (College Council Chair), Polly Moye, Kaylin Nguyen, Toro Oladokun, Veronica (Michelle Pagan), Ramon De La Cruz, Guillermo Laya, Adaora Nwigwe, Margarita Silva, Adria Nichols, Jeff Chuang, and Megan Cooperman.

We are also looking for volunteers to help us during the event. If you are interested in volunteering for SED, fill out the SED Volunteer Formnew window.

Updated 3/17/2025.