Design Challenge 2024
The Engineering Innovation Center
The Design Challenge in Fall 2024 is to encourage our students to collaborate across disciplines on the design and implementation of a Kinetic Sculpture. Our goal is to bring together the many ways our diverse disciplines approach design. We also want to encourage students to seek others outside of their major and make use of the campus's innovation centers.
- This year’s challenge must be done by a group of 3 students.
- The group must have at least 1 member with a declared major outside of the academicarea of the other members (STEM, Humanities, Arts, Business, Education and SocialScience, Applied Technology, Health Sciences, Workforce Development and ContinuingEducation).
- All current Montgomery College students are welcome to enter the contest except forfaculty, staff and Innovation Center student assistants.
- One entry per group.
- Each student can be a member of only one group.
- All entries must have 3D printed parts designed using school licensed CAD engineeringsoftware: CREO and SolidWorks. No other CAD software accepted.
- The design is original, creative, and copyright free.
- The competition is ongoing and ends on November 27 (23:59 PM). The completephysical design must be brought to the Rockville Innovation Center (SC409) byDecember 6th.
Requirements/Guidelines of the Challenge
- The design must use functional components made in MC Innovation Centers.
- The part file(s) must be made with school licensed CAD software. The part files and printfiles must be submitted to be reviewed.
- The completed sculpture must fit in a closed, standard, 8½ x 11, printer paper box (11.5x18x9 in).
- The total Estimated cost of all parts of the sculpture must be under $200. Estimatedcost includes “found” parts (from garage, supplies, dumpster, etc.). A BOM, bill ofmaterials with their estimated cost, must be included with the submission.
- The sculpture must be safe. No combustion, detonation, or deflagration. No sharpexternal edges. No fast-moving parts that can be approached.
- Write a one-page learning experience paper that addresses your approach to theproject, anything that worked well, anything that did not work well, and what youlearned.
- Prepare a short presentation of your design (10 minutes).
- Consider aesthetics, drama or serenity, concept, philosophy, appreciation by anyobserver in your design, statement, and presentation.
- All members of the group must show their participation to be awarded their portion of awinning design.
Prizes will be awarded.
Additional Requirements
There may be additional requirements subject to feedback from participants. There will be more details to come including more detailed specifications, deadlines, and FAQS.
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