Disney Institute - Leadership Excellence

A leader is far more than a label—leadership is about taking actions to create sustained,
positive transformations within an organization. Great leaders align their own values
and vision with those of their business and help operationalize them for the future.
In this unique, one-day workshop, participants will learn Disney's time-tested leadership strategies and methods for improving team productivity and business results.

Germantown Campus, Bioscience Education Center (BE 151-152), Montgomery College, 20200 Observation Drive, Germantown, Maryland 20876new window
Date and Time:
Friday, June 24, 2022
Check-in begins at 8:00 a.m. A light breakfast is provided. Program starts promptly at 8:30 a.m. Lunch is provided mid-day. Program ends at 4:30 p.m.
Download the Leadership Excellence Agenda (PDF, ) .
Course Details:
- Course#: MGT263
- CRN#: 46960
- Investment: $399 for Maryland Residents (Non-Md. residents add $10)
Registration Information
Space is limited to observe social distancing. Program enrollment is available on a first come, first serve basis until capacity is met. No waitlist is held. Payment is due at the time of registration. Students who register without payment would be removed from the class without notice.
How to Register:
- View all WDCE Registration Information, Options, and Policiesnew window. Registration Questions? Contact Student Services at 240-567-5188.
- Online. Find Directions at WDCE Web Registrationnew window.
- In-Person. Available at the Rockville Campus, Germantown Campus, and the Takoma Park
/ Silver Spring Campus are open regular hours. GBTC Customer Service is only open
Monday thru Friday. Cash NOT accepted. Complete a WDCE Registration Form (PDF,
) and turn it into one of our Workforce Development and Continuing Education Locationsnew window | Montgomery College, Maryland.
- Fax. Send a completed WDCE Registration Form to 240-683-6945.
Although Disney Institute is presenting this program, the sponsor of this program, The Board of Community College Trustees, Montgomery Community College, and not Disney Institute, is responsible for marketing and promoting this program, and for providing and arranging for the venue, facilities and other items for this program. This includes any food and beverage offered at or in connection with this program. The Board of Community College Trustees, Montgomery Community College is not an agent of Disney Institute or its affiliates, and Disney Institute and its affiliates assume no liability relating to the event or for the acts or omissions of the The Board of Community College Trustees, Montgomery Community College.
As to Disney artwork/properties: © Disney